Enjoy premium quality
from JSC "May"
Sunflower oil of our company is a natural premium class sunflower oil, regardless of the brand. Thanks to the latest production technologies and modern equipment, the oil of our brands most fully preserves the useful substances and vitamins necessary for the human body

Unlike many other producers, our company produce premium class sunflower oil. This means that the oil has undergone a better purification and is suitable for eating.
About companyEquipment
About company

The "May" Joint-stock company traces its history back to the end of 1922, when a plant for processing oilseeds and sunflower oil production was organized on the basis of a private churn. On January 1, 1923, the plant received the name "Maslozavod No. 1".
The plant is the oldest enterprise and indeed the first largest plant in history on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Over the entire period of operation, the plant has constantly upgraded and improved its production facilities, while simultaneously improving the quality of the final product.

Today our company is the largest sunflower oil production plant in Central Asia. In recent years, a deep modernization of the plant's equipment has been carried out, thanks to which we can offer the consumer refined deodorized frozen sunflower oil of the "P" - Premium brand.

Over the entire period of operation, the plant has constantly upgraded and improved its production facilities, while simultaneously improving the quality of the final product. The plant's operation process is fully automated. In other words, sunflower seeds turn into sunflower oil without the intervention of manual labor. To do this, the most modern equipment is installed and works at the plant:
- Automatic seed cleaning and preparation line of the Swiss company "Buhler";
- The high-tech cleaning line of the Belgian company "De Smett Ballestra" ensures exceptional quality of the final product;
- The plant also has a line for the production of plastic containers and bottling of the world leader in this industry, the Italian company "Sipa";
- Quality control at all stages is carried out by the laboratory of the plant, which has state accreditation.
We purchase raw materials from farmers
Our company purchases sunflower on a regular basis. For purchasing questions, please call: +7 (7232) 57-63-61 or leave your contact number, we will contact you

JSC "May", being the largest plant for the production of sunflower oil in Central Asia, constantly takes care of about ecology.
JSC "May" constantly invests in the reconstruction and modernization of equipment in order to minimize the impact on the environment.
The line of automatic cleaning and preparation of seeds of the Swiss company "Buhler", which has no analogues in Kazakhstan, has been installed.
There is an extraction plant and a deep cleaning system of one of the world's best manufacturers "De Smet Ballestra", Belgium.

Year 2014
In 2014, the boiler units were reconstructed with the transfer from fuel oil to sunflower husk, which significantly reduced emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
Year 2017
In 2017, a closed cooling cycle of barometric water was launched in the refining shop, which eliminated the spread of the smell of fatty acids.
Year 2019
In 2019, a soapstock decomposition plant for waste-free production was introduced.
To reduce emissions of solid particles, DUST-COLLECTING EQUIPMENT has been installed in the carpentry workshop, on the pneumatic conveyor of the meal elevator, grinding and grinding machines, in the raw material cleaning shop, the rushing-winnowing department, the soapstock decomposition unit, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by inspection certificates by a special laboratory.
JSC "May" strictly controls waste management
Sorting of solid household waste by type - cardboard, plastic, glass is organized throughout the territory of the enterprise.
Contracts have been concluded with specialized organizations for waste disposal – used tires, scrap ferrous metals, used car oil, lead batteries, fluorescent and other mercury-containing waste are handed over.
Every month, industrial environmental control is carried out, which is a set of organizational and technical measures to determine the actual state of the environment as a result of the company's activities. For testing, a specialized laboratory uses modern equipment (gas analyzers, aspirators, microclimate parameters meters, etc.). The results are supported by a test report.
Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere during periods of adverse weather conditions are regulated under strict control. Depending on the expected level of atmospheric pollution, warnings of three degrees are made, which correspond to three modes of operation of the enterprise during periods of adverse weather conditions.
We are ready to cooperate
If you are interested in our products, please contact us at the specified contacts. In order for the conversation to be more substantive, we suggest that you fill out the questionnaire form "I want to become a partner".
Contacts for partners
+7 (727) 232 13 58
How to distinguish a fake
The quality of our products and the demand for them are so obvious that unscrupulous dealers are engaged in the production of counterfeit goods. We offer you to get acquainted with the visual differences that will allow you to distinguish the original from a fake and will save you from using a possibly dangerous counterfeit for your health.

Bottle Quality
JSC "May" uses a special technology for filling sunflower oil, in which air is displaced from the upper part of the PET container, which ensures long-term storage of sunflower oil and enhances the elasticity of PET containers. Counterfeit products do not have this property, due to which PET containers are easily deformed with a little effort.
On the products of JSC "Mai", the upper (supporting) part of the handle has a straight shape with a stiffening rib. On counterfeit products, the shape of the handle is corrugated.
Fixing stiffeners
Fixing stiffeners on the handle ring. On the products of JSC "Mai", the fixing stiffeners are sunk close between the ring covering the neck of the PET container and the PET container itself. There is no such thing on counterfeit products: the ring does not fit to the neck, and the stiffeners slide freely over the PET container.
Expiration date
On counterfeit products, the expiration date is applied with ordinary paint and is erased with the slightest interaction.

Contacts and addresses
RK, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Stepnaya str., 4